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Version: 4.3.1


The Dashboard Designer is a powerful tool that enables users to create custom and highly interactive reports. By generating various chart types, such as level gauges, users can explore their data from multiple angles and discover the diverse styles it presents. This flexibility makes it an ideal solution for analyzing trends, monitoring performance, and making data-driven decisions more effectively. Level gauges, in particular, are excellent for visualizing key metrics at a glance, such as completion percentages or inventory levels.

How to Create a Gauges Dashboard:

To add a gauge to your report in the Dashboard Designer, simply access the tool, select the desired report, and click the 'Gauges' icon. Then, drag and drop the corresponding columns to the 'Data Items' > 'Columns' section to define the gauge's dimensions and measures.

Dashboard Designer also provides various options to customize the 'Gauges' based on the data type displayed in each column. Below is a general overview of the different options you can apply to your Gauges Chart.

Column of type String

Column of type Date:


Dashboard Design also provides various options to customize the 'Gauges Graph' based on the data type displayed in each column. Below is a general overview of the different options you can apply to your Gauges Graph.

Content Arrangement

Auto ArrangeThe number of columns and rows is defined automatically.
Arrange in ColumnsArrange the elements in the specified number of columns.
Arrange in RowsArrange the elements in the specified number of rows.


Full CircularDisplay full-circular Gauges.
Half-CircularDisplay half-circular Gauges.
Left-Quarter CircularDisplay left quarter circular Gauges.
Right-Quarter CircularDisplay right quarter circular Gauges.
Three-QuarterCircularDisplay three-quarter circular Gauges.
Linear HorizontalDisplay horizontal linear gauges.
Linear VerticalDisplay vertical linear gauges.


Show Gauge CaptionsSpecify wich values should be displayed within data labels